
About Me


My Background

My Inspiration

My Background

I graduated from Rowan University with a B.A. in Art Education and a Masters in Environmental Education.

After teaching elementary art for thirty-two years in the public schools, I retired  in 2009 and am currently a full time studio artist. I  show my work in juried art shows and teach art at the library. 


My Medium

My Inspiration

My Background

I prefer to use pen and ink, colored pencil, collage, printmaking and watercolor to best capture my love of pattern and detail. My goal is to create art that comes from my personal experience and direct encounters with the natural world. Taking classes and interacting with other artists keeps my work fresh and helps me to be open to new discoveries.


My Inspiration

My Inspiration

My Inspiration

My art celebrates the beauty of nature. The intricate textures, patterns and subtle colors found in shells, flowers, birds and fish are my inspiration. My fascination with shells and the beach began when I was a child growing up on Absecon Island. I collected some of the shells I use as subject matter decades ago while walking the Margate beaches.